Mission in Coast

Mission in Coast
  • June 25, 2024 - 07:00
  • Tononoka, Mombassa

World Radiance Bible College is thrilled to announce our upcoming mission activity in the coastal region of Kenya, where we will be partnering with the Anointing Fire Church ministered by Dr. Susan in Tononoka, Mombasa, and extending our outreach to the vibrant community of Malindi.

Scheduled for June, this mission embodies our commitment to sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with diverse communities around the world. Guided by our belief in the transformative power of faith and compassion, we are excited to embark on this journey of service and ministry in the beautiful coastal landscapes of Kenya.

In Tononoka, Mombasa, we will join hands with the Anointing Fire Church, under the leadership of Dr. Susan, to engage in various outreach activities, including evangelistic crusades, community service projects, and discipleship training. Together, we aim to ignite a spiritual revival and bring hope, healing, and salvation to individuals and families in the local community.

Expanding our mission outreach, we will also extend our efforts to the enchanting town of Malindi, where we will continue our ministry of love and compassion. Through collaborative efforts with local churches, community leaders, and volunteers, we will seek to address both the spiritual and practical needs of the people, including evangelism, discipleship, humanitarian aid, and capacity-building initiatives.

As we prepare for this mission, we invite individuals, churches, and organizations to join us in prayer and support. Together, let us be vessels of God’s grace and instruments of His peace, shining His light in the coastal communities of Kenya and beyond.

Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to get involved as we embark on this transformative journey of faith, hope, and love. Together, let us make a difference and spread the radiance of God’s love to every corner of the world.