Sharing the Word of God

Sharing the Word of God

At World Radiance, we are dedicated to sharing the timeless truths and transformative power of the Word of God. Our Bible Study Program is a cornerstone of our mission, providing a space for seekers, believers, and curious minds alike to delve deeper into the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Central to our approach is the belief that the Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose for our lives. Through interactive discussions, prayerful reflection, and fellowship, participants are invited to explore the richness and relevance of Scripture in their daily lives.

As part of our commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission, we are privileged to host tribe missionaries from the United States who join us in our mission of sharing the Word of God. These dedicated servants of Christ go beyond the walls of our institution, taking the message of hope and redemption from house to house, community to community.

Inspired by the example of Jesus, who taught and ministered to people in their homes and everyday surroundings, our tribe missionaries embody the spirit of servant leadership and evangelism. They meet people where they are, listening to their stories, sharing God’s Word, and offering prayers and support along the way.

Together, we are fulfilling the Great Commission of teaching people to observe all that Jesus commanded us, inviting them into a deeper relationship with God and each other. As we journey together in faith, may the light of God’s Word continue to shine brightly in our hearts and communities, illuminating the path to grace, truth, and eternal life

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